Boi2 pick me up at precisely 4am and we reach Lan's place at 4.10 ..Strange? there was no light and Lan was nowhere to be seen.Normally he would be there packing, unpacking,talking to his cat and sorting out his Tesco bag..So ,i gave Boi2 a big smile and said"Lets go and get sumtin to bite"But inside i curse and swear at Boi2(U see he my ride for all my fishing trips and thats y i pretended thats its OK...The time of meeting is suppose to be 5.30!!!)
3 cups of drink and a plate of a very forgetable nasi kandar later we were again at Lan's place and this time he was there doing his endless sortings.Watson arrive on his bike on time.As usual Boi2 got a lecture from Lan on the benefit of travelling light..Finally we started our anticipated journey. We met up with Round face at juru RnR and manage to squeeze in a very 'much bloated, since marriage round face'It must be a very tight squeeze at the back but nobody dare to complain.I was seated at the front with the A.con directed at my balls, quite comfy. We met up with Nasir at the gerai.Lan stuff himself as usual and sapu all the kuil.
We finally reach the jetty and those seated at the back stumble out of the 'Sardine can'Boi2 was complaining of 'Flatten Balls syndrome'The jetty was a hive of activities with anglers loading their gears. We were the only 2 boats doing casting, GOOD...All gears on board and as usual Jey with extraordinary effort managed to heave his great mass on board a seemly very small boat...let the pix do the rest of the story telling....................
A familiar situation..Lan dishing out instructionssss
A very worried Nasir sizing out the boat whether Jey can fit in or not.
This is what we came for!!!.Nasir holding the first MANGROVE JACK of the day.
This is what Boi2 came for!!!roots ,trees and branches
Sudah hampir dua minggu saya mendengar tentang perkembangan musim Begahak di Sg Pahang. Cerita bermula bila Abg Zul menyatakan yang Begahak telah berjaya di pancing di kawasan Jambatan Bangau dan sekitar kawasan Lubuk Paku di daerah Temerloh dan Maran , Pahang. Hati makin bergelora bila kebanyakannya dinaikkan selalui method casting, cuma dari tebing sungai sahaja. Ada juga yang menyatakan setakat ini record yang berjaya dinaikkan adalah seberat 4kg hanya dari hasil acara casting tebingan ini.
Sebaik sahaja saya mendengar cerita tentang musim begahak ini, mulalah tangan terasa gatal teringin untuk mencubanya. Kejadian biasa yang sentiasa dilalui oleh kaki-kaki casting “hardcore” apabila mencapai tahap “jiwa kacau” mendengar cerita ikan yang sedang mengganas merembat gewang-gewang telah sekali lagi terjadi pada diri saya. Lantas persiapan diatur untuk menjejaki spesies ini.
Today. we sneak off to YAN . This trip, headed by our MANGKOR KING,goldmarlin and roundface(Jey).As usual the boats around us was landing tenggiri and we were getting Mayong,duri,saiseng and everything with spikes....We were so cheese off but except for LAN.. he seem to be smirking away.. He was very much AT HOME...