12 May 2007

SD Brothers Did It Again!

Once upon a time, Team Longkang Gang decided to collect fund on voluntary basis from their members in order to repair their KD Longkang boathouse in Banding. When the actual date arrived, eventhough the SD brothers do support financially on the donation part, they were very upset as they wouldn't be able to join and contribute with the rest of the gang to Banding for the hardcore repair work due to their physical health condition. BUT... they continue to make Team Longkang Gang proud while their brothers were away busy on the repair job. Enjoy!

Venue : Air Kuning, Perak
Date : 12 May 2007 (Saturday)
Anglers: SD(Slipped Disc) Brothers - Jeymatt & Fishnut
Weather : Scorching hot, sunny and calm in the morning until afternoon; slight overcast and windy in the evening.
Water Condition : Water level much lower compared to last week and receding very fast, water clarity murky.
Fish Observation: PBs has stopped spawning and juvies not much in frenzy by the shore. The pair of parent lunkers caught around shallow flats with vegetation about 100 metre away from bank. Total PBs caught not more than 12, could be in lethargic mood.
Result : A variety fishes of Jelawat, Peacock Bass, Baung, and Featherback caught on casting and trolling.

There is a video taken by Jeymatt on nutto's fight with the Baung. Enjoy! Sorry that the video has no sound as it's taken from my cheap digital camera http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqDg_sfUXCo

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